Sunday, April 8, 2007


hey folks. so as i mentioned before we had a super productive meeting. please get involved and help organize some of these events. Believe me I do a lot of it myself and it isn't that much work to do one but trying to do many can be too much. and it would be so much more fun with more help from you all. Also feel free to post feedback about these events on the blog for everyone to discuss.

1. Prism Blog
2. Zine Making Night (this thursday!)
3. B-B-Q(ueer) (4/20)
4. Open Campus Queer Interests Meeting 4/27 (one of topics:volunteering in resource center w/ tv show nights for example)
5. Game Night
6.senior "banquet"
8.Radioshow on campus radio next semester
9. Party at the beginning of next semester!!!!!
10. Making the resource center more cozy

1. Blog So now we have a blog for prism members. check it out ( Use it to post about anything from issues to events to random youtube videos. post feedback about these event ideas or the org in general. If you haven't gotten an invite in you email to join the blog let me know.

2. Zine making so on this thursday at 9pm in the center (yes we can watch grey's anatomy) we are going to have a zine making party. we want to start working on this. we want to make a little zine of poems/ comic strips/ stories/ resources/ etc etc. anything you want. even if you don't think you have anything to contribute still come by and help out making posters for upcoming events or anything.

3. B-B-Q(ueer) yes it is on 4/20 from around 11:30 to 7ish. It will be a BBQ, outdoor djing extravaganza. There will also be tables inside that orgs or people can rent for around $10 an hour to sell their merchandise. I was thinking of inviting "oh my" the sex shop and maybe a jewlery store to come up. does anyone want to help organize this?

4. Open campus Queer Interests Meeting Friday 4/27 7pm in the center. This is so that we can have a discussion about what the larger queer communities and allies are looking for in support and events and what issues should be discussed. We also want to advertise volunteering in the center. We should see it more as OUR space. So if you volunteering once a week or every other week next semester that would be amazing. you can do something fun like have screenings of the shows we all watch every week anyway or movie nights or arts and crafts parties or a scrabble tournament (!!!!)

5. Game Night before the end of the semester i would love to have a night where we all chillout in the center eat food and play board games and cards. you know you want to.

6. Senior "Banquet" I think that we should definitely do something for the seniors before they leave. we have some good ones who are really dear to my heart leaving.

7. Elections Alright so if you are interested in running for any of these positions please let me know. We really want to keep this momentum going guys. You will have a lot of support from me and everyone else. So definitely consider it even if you haven't been involved. Positions: Co-Chairs, treasurer, historian, webmaster, ally coordinator (open for allies),

8. Radioshow next semester! I am so excited about this. I have had a radioshow a few semesters before and some of you have also. I think it would be so fun if we did a show next semester

9. Party at the beginning of next semester We got to book space for this soon! i think we should have a party at the the end of sept or beginning of october. I i am going to try to find out if you can petition to use the fieldhouse because it is a badass space for partying. Shae and I will DJ it so the music will be kick ass.

10. Making center more cozy we need to come up with more ideas to make the resource center more comfortable and welcoming. i want to find out from jenny if you can change the color of the walls to something more warm and less sterile. other ideas???

there we go. that is all of it i think.
take it easy,


yoanna said...

So I've been doing some asking around and it seems to me that orgs don't really want to pay to use the tables at the BBQ(ueer). Why exactly are we having them pay?

PRISM@Smith said...

because it is a fundraiser for the resource center.

Go Go Jo Jo said...

how much do they have to pay?

also, if you can't make the meeting (which I can't) tonight for the zine can i still submit something?

and do we know any more logistics for the 4/27 meeting?

PS I love the idea of volunteer hours in the center and the radio show. i'm going to try and make it to the logistics meeting (sorry my saturday's are super busy lately so i haven't been able to come to GB meetings) and sign up for stuff.